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 Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham

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2 participants
Lecteur en Herbe
Lecteur en Herbe

Nombre de messages : 11
Age : 49
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2008

Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Empty
MessageSujet: Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham   Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Icon_minitimeMar 10 Juin 2008 - 2:19

Encyclopedia of herbs magic
Scott Cunningham
Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Encyclopediamagicalherbyz0

Nombre de pages : 325
Isbn O-87542-122-9


Hoping to meet that special someone? Wear a sprig of maiden fern .
Having problems with your cash flow ? Burn cloves as incense to attract riches . Want to enhance your psychic abilities? Brew up some dandelion root tea .

In days gone by our ancestors lived in harmony with the earth.
they knew witch plants could kill . They also knew that plants harbored magicals powers , forces taht could be harnessed and directed to fulfill a need - anything from protecting a house to fiding true love . Magical herbalism is the use of these powers to create positive changes .

This revised and updates fifteenth anniversary edition contains the folklore and magical properties of over 400 herbs . Far from concentrating on esoteric, unobtainable plants , many of those mentioned within are old friend .The magical properties of onions , cashews, apples , rice, lettuce - as well as dill , basil, fennel , garlic , and parsley are described . Extensive tables , a cross- references
of folks names , glossary , and annotated bibliography make this a comprenhensive and valuable guide ti the pratice of magical herbalism.

Tables des matières:

Part1:The basics

Chapter one:The powers herbs
Chapter Two: Magical ways
Chapter Three: Speels and procedure
Chapter Four :Magical intentions

Part two : The herbs
Health codes used with the herbs

Part Three: Tables and Appendices

Planetary Rules
Magical Intentions
Colors and their magical Used
Mail-oder suppliers
Tha magical Properties of Oils
Folk named Cross- reference
Annotated bibliography
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Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham   Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Icon_minitimeMar 1 Juin 2010 - 13:03


Dernière édition par sitting bull le Ven 17 Mai 2013 - 4:36, édité 1 fois
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Lecteur en Herbe
Lecteur en Herbe

Nombre de messages : 31
Age : 60
Localisation : Ile de France
Emploi - loisirs : media
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2008

Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham   Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Icon_minitimeDim 6 Juin 2010 - 17:23

Les tables de correspondances sont ultra-précieuses. Je m'y réfère tout le temps. C'est l'un des livres que j'utilise le plus. Dommage qu'il ne soit pas en couleur, pour les plantes, les dessins sont un peu tristounets à mon goût.
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MessageSujet: Re: Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham   Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham Icon_minitime

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Encyclopedia of magical herbs expanded version- Scott Cunningham
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