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 Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise - Cunningham

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Bibliothécaire en chef
Bibliothécaire en chef

Nombre de messages : 320
Emploi - loisirs : Etudiante
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2008

Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise - Cunningham Empty
MessageSujet: Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise - Cunningham   Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise - Cunningham Icon_minitimeLun 2 Juin 2008 - 18:53

In depth description: Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise
Scott Cunningham

Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise - Cunningham Imaged10

Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0875421209

Description du livre

Natural magic uses the things around us for magical purposes. Herbs are one of the most important tools for natural magic, and the most comprehensive introduction to this system is found in Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism.
Everything you need to know to work this gentle but powerful spiritual system is included in the book. It begins by telling you about the tools you need to be a magical herbalist. These include your magic knife, mortar and pestle, candles, and a censer – all of which can be easily obtained or made. Next you will get a short primer on real magic. Not only does this include theory, but also practical and simple techniques that will allow you to do herbal magic in your own home.
While it is true that you can buy herbs in stores (or grow them), you can also gather them if you know what to look for. Even in the largest, cement-covered cities you can find empty lots covered with "weeds" that are actually treasures of magic! This book shows you how to identify the herbs you need, gather them in a spiritually sound manner, and then dry and store them.
Next come the real secrets of herb magic. Here you'll learn what herbs to use and how to use them for doing magic. You'll discover the mysteries of protection, divination, healing, and love. Revealed here are the herbs and the elements and step-by-step directions for making fluid condensers which harness these powers.
You'll also learn how to make incenses. But merely knowing how to make them isn't enough. You'll also learn what scents to use to aid in rituals of prosperity, Egyptian magic, and more. Next, the book reveals the secrets of how to make and use traditional amulets and charms.
Perhaps the most valuable part of the book is the "Witch's Herbal." This is an alphabetical listing of over 115 herbs commonly used in magic. Included here are such things as technical names, magical powers, astrological rulerships, and folk names.
Not enough? Also included is a listing of the magical names of flowers, herbs, roots and trees that have been and are used by Witches and herbalists. Did you know that Shakespeare's famous "eye of newt" and "toe of frog" are actually herbs? You'll also find how to magically grow your own herbs and the magical and psychic uses of Beladonna, Datura, Amanita Muscaria, Hellbore, Hemlock, Hemp, Henbane and the secrets of the famous Witches' flying ointment.
This book is more than just an explanation of herbal magic. It is an entire system of magic that you can do. Virtually every step you need to learn is here. Nothing is left out. If you're ready to do magic, this book is a must.

Table des matières:


Tool and the Magical Herbalism
Magic - a short primer
Indentifying, Gathering, Dryinhg and storing Herb
The Language of magical herbalism

PART II: Herbal Secret
Herbs of the element and magical fluid condensers
Scented oils an perfumes
The Witches Herbas

PART III: The magic Garden
Your herbal garden

The magical names of herbs, flowers, trees and roots
Baneful Herbs and flying ointments
Sources of Herbs and oils
Herbal Redes

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