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 A String and a Prayer: How to Make and Use Prayer Beads - Eleanor Wiley

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Bibliothécaire en chef
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Nombre de messages : 320
Emploi - loisirs : Etudiante
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2008

A String and a Prayer: How to Make and Use Prayer Beads - Eleanor Wiley Empty
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A String and a Prayer: How to Make and Use Prayer Beads
Eleanor Wiley

A String and a Prayer: How to Make and Use Prayer Beads - Eleanor Wiley Medita10

  • Broché: 160 pages
  • Editeur : Red Wheel/Weiser (1 octobre 2002)
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ISBN-13: 978-1590030103

Présentation de l'édition

A String and a Prayer recounts the history and symbolism of prayer beads, teaches basic techniques for stringing beads and a host of other objects into prayer beads, and offers a variety of prayers and rituals to use those beads on a daily basis.

Beads have appeared throughout history. Prayer beads are used in the spiritual practices of cultures as diverse as the African Masai, Native Americans, Greek and Russian Orthodoxy, as well as the religious rituals of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism. But prayer is highly personal. By infusing prayer beads with personal associations, we can keep our spirituality fresh. The beads are a device to help build and rebuild meaningful ritual in our lives.

Table des Matières

Mon avis

Si vous souhaitez recherches des schémas tout fait pour créer vos perles de prières, passez votre chemin. Ce livre vous contera les perles de prières à travers les âges et les religions, il vous donnera des idées, beaucoup d'idées. ce livre prône plutôt l'imagination plutôt que de vous donner des suggestions toutes faites. J'ai bien aimé!
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A String and a Prayer: How to Make and Use Prayer Beads - Eleanor Wiley
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